Got Emu Oil for Cancer Burns?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.Did you know
Emu Oil can
help with radiation burns? Radiation does not just kill the cancer cell, but
also the good skin cells, which causes the tissue to inflame and your skin to peel. Since Emu oil
is an all-natural anti-inflammatory, it begins to help the skin the minute it
is applied. Emu oil is a "tissue nutrient" which "feeds"
the skin, helping it to become healthy. Cancer treatment facilities in the U.S. purchase
Emu oil from because we offer molecularly distilled Emu oil. This
assures purity and safety which are extremely important when being used for any
type of burn or wound. Our Emu Oil contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 to naturally help
you with the aching and the burning sensation. It alleviates pain, speeds up
, reduces scarring and blistering, and relieves itching during the healing process. If
you are receiving Radiation Therapy try our Emu Oil!
Here are some testimonials:
"I had 25
sessions of radiation last year and had radiation burns. My skin turned black
and it was so painful. I was also given silvadene creme, it didn't help. I
applied pure EMU oil and it was immediate relief. You can order it on
~ Chris on
wife has cancer and is taking radiation treatments. The Emu Oil helps keep the
"sunburn effect" down. I recommend it highly for cancer patients."
from CA.
"I have been
using emu oil for radiation burns on my face and inside my mouth. I am finding
it to be quite helpful. My cancer was a very invasive squamous cell lesion
located above my top lip (etiology of the cancer: too much sun as a
~XwayDiva on
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