The syndrome occurs when the tendons in the wrist become inflamed after some type of aggravation such as typing or writing. These tendons pass between the bones and ligaments of the palm of the hand in a constricted area calleda tunnel. Treatment includes resting the hands using splints. Oral and injected anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are also common treatments.
Emu oil products are also used to alleviate excruciating nerve pain. There has been reported relief from carpal tunnel syndrome including the burning and tingling numbness in the fingers.
Emu oil may act in an
anti-inflammatory manner to relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
similar to oral anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and Motrin. Vitamins B6
and B2 can be taken for 3 months at a daily dose of 300 mg for each vitamin.
These should be taken in 100 mg. doses at each meal. If, after a trial of 3
months there is no benefit from the use of emu oil and the B vitamins, you
should seek other therapies since permanent nerve damage may occur in some people.
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