Emu Oil for Mosquito Bites!
When you get bit
by a mosquito, the itch is caused by the mosquito's saliva which is an anticoagulant.
It causes our bodies to produce a histamine response, creating a slight
itchiness around the bite area from a mild allergic reaction. The worst thing
you can do is scratch the itchy are. It may feel good, but it will make the bite worse.
Did you know Emu
Oil can help to relieve symptoms of the bite? Emu Oil takes the sting out of insect
bites. Mosquito bites cause damage to the skin and inflame the tissue. Since
Emu Oil is an all-natural anti-inflammatory, it begins to soothe the skin the
minute it is applies.
This summer before
you get your camping gear packed up make sure to pack a bottle of LongviewFarms Emu Oil.