Hair loss is not something we like to see when we look in the mirror. Many of us wonder, “why is this happening to me?” According to experts, hair loss can be caused by many things such as aging, hormones changes and family history of baldness.
“In men, testosterone is converted to DHT (dihydratestosterone) within the hair follicle. Testosterone is converted to DHT by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which is produced in the prostate, the scalp and various adrenal glands. Over time, DHT causes hair follicles to degrade and shortens their anagen, or active phase. Technically, the follicle is still alive and connected to a good blood supply. Some follicles will die, but most will simply shrink in size and produce weaker hairs. The shorter anagen growing cycle means more hairs are shed and remaining hairs become so thin that they cannot survive daily wear and tear, according to experts. Hairs in balding areas gradually change from long, thick, colored hairs into fine, unpigmented, fuzzy hairs.” ~
We recommend massaging a small amount of emu oil into the hairless or thinning area of the scalp three times per day, if possible. In the evening or on weekends, apply a greater amount of emu oil to the scalp and leave on for 20-30 minutes, then wash hair with a mild shampoo or Longview Farms Emu Oil Shampoo. (Our Sponsor) If your hair follicles are in a sleep state, you should notice signs of re-growth in 30-90 days.
Here is what some of our customers had to say:
“So far this has worked really great. The shampoo and condition are one of the best I've used...leaving my hair full and scalp feeling good. The oil is a little greasy on the scalp...but I've started growing back small hairs and peachfuzz on the top & front of my scalp. It helped re-activate my hair follicles. again.” ~ Ken from Romeoville, IL
“I must let you know, I have only been using the hair loss treatment a month and already I can see hair growing in a severely thin area...I am sooo happy...” ~ Paulette from CA