Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Using Emu Oil for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The syndrome occurs when the tendons in the wrist become inflamed after some type of aggravation such as typing or writing. These tendons pass between the bones and ligaments of the palm of the hand in a constricted area calleda tunnel. Treatment includes resting the hands using splints. Oral and injected anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are also common treatments.

Emu oil products are also used to alleviate excruciating nerve pain. There has been reported relief from carpal tunnel syndrome including the burning and tingling numbness in the fingers.

Emu oil may act in an anti-inflammatory manner to relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome similar to oral anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and Motrin. Vitamins B6 and B2 can be taken for 3 months at a daily dose of 300 mg for each vitamin. These should be taken in 100 mg. doses at each meal. If, after a trial of 3 months there is no benefit from the use of emu oil and the B vitamins, you should seek other therapies since permanent nerve damage may occur in some people.

"This is the best pain product I've ever used.  It worked very quickly to relieve my pain.  I'll be telling all my senior citizen friends all about this Comfortability.  I'm sure it will help their arthritis."
                                                                             ~Anonymous  from Indian Lake Estates, FL

"My husband works at a simple retail store, but he does everything from customer service to stocking and such. He complains about joint and foot pain when he gets home. We've tried different products, even stuff from Melaleuca, which used to be my go-to product. It still works a bit, but I decided to try this and my husband enjoys it a lot more."
                                                                           ~Theresa M. from Idaho Falls, ID

           "I have fibromyalgia, bursitis in my hips, back pain and arthritis so I purchased this product to help with pain relief. I am very pleased with the results. The product is as described by seller. I will be a repeat customer."
                                                                         ~Lindsay S. from MI

Friday, July 31, 2015

Our Customers Feed Back.

                        We would like to thank everyone for the great reviews we have been receiving!!!!!

"Not all Emu Oil is created equal. Years ago I actually spent months finding this Emu Oil and bought a gallon of it when I did. If you have pets, it heals hot spots and lick granilomas,; it is the best moisturizer; it heals fire ant bites instantly; any bite or wound it will heal. And it only takes a small amount to do it. I don't have enough space here to tell you all the miracles Emu Oil has done for me, my friends and family. You won't be able to live without it."         ~ Mary P. from Sherman, TX 


"I had been struggling with eczema on my hands for months. Tried hydrocortisone and other prescription medicines which only provided temporary relief. I felt immediate relief with the Derma Ease and the eczema is all but gone within a week. It's a great product. I am telling everyone that I can about it." 
   ~SteveW. from York, PA

"I am am an avid lip balm user, all day long. I have bought all drug store brands and thought a few were good but then my wife discovered the Longview Farm lip balm, along with several of your other products, which are now staples in our household! The lip balm melts on your lips without becoming liquid in your pocket. I highly recommend this product based on quality, price and service." ~Anonymous from Charleston, TN 


"Awesome products at a great price. I have very sensitive skin and have spent lots of money at the dermatologist. The emu soap by far is the best product I've come across in a long time." 
~Anonymous from USA

 "I am 72 and pain just goes with the age, but to I decided to try the oil, the cream has aloe in it and I am allergic. Trying to change the sheets on my bed is usually an all day pain, work a bit, rest my back, work, etc. Today I tried the oil for the first time on the hip and back where it hurts and it stopped the pain instantly! Later I tried it on my feet, after shopping my toes cramp. Again the same! Instant relief! Thank you so very much! I will recommend this to everyone who ever had pain."
~ Ruth B from Forest Grove, OR

Friday, June 5, 2015

World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day, a time to give back to the earth. The holiday was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 on the day that United Nations Conference on the Human Environment began. This tradition started in 1974 in Spokane, Washington. Every year we celebrate in a different country or state with a unique theme. Today’s festival is held in Italy, and the theme name is “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.”

            There are many people who participate in the tradition. Gisele Bündchen sent out an SOS to the world to take action for World Environment Day 2014 by joining one of their teams to combat climate changes. Their call to action, Message in the Bottle, asks individuals around the world to join one of the celebrities’ teams and make a difference by pledging to take action in support of World Environment Day, which culminates globally on 5 June 2014. The Chicago Botanic Garden set aside a full day for kids and adults to explore conservation and sustainability on World Environment Day.

Here are some things you can do yourself on this day.

1.      Consume less especially energy, water and food.
2.      Ride bicycle instead of driving with which we consume less fuel, which equals less carbon emissions, and you’ll reap the health benefits of a workout.
3.      Remove meat from your meals only one day a week and in the course of a year you’ll cut carbon emissions equivalent to not driving your car for a full month. The production and processing of meat products is resource intense using land, water, food, and even producing greenhouse gases.
4.      Recycle. Plastic water bottles are recyclable, and in our community you can even leave the label and lid on the bottle. But nationwide the recycling rate for plastic bottles is very low. According to the Fast Company, in 2007 the average American used 167 disposable water bottles, but only recycled 38. That’s a lot of waste. Instead of using a disposable product use a refillable water bottle.
5.      Consume energy. As incandescent light bulbs burn out, replace them with newer compact fluorescent lights, or CFLs. These lights are more energy efficient and can reduce your electricity use by 75 percent.

 The information was taken from wikipidia and todaytrendin.com

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mosquito Bites

Emu Oil for Mosquito Bites!

When you get bit by a mosquito, the itch  is caused by the mosquito's saliva which is an anticoagulant. It causes our bodies to produce a histamine response, creating a slight itchiness around the bite area from a mild allergic reaction. The worst thing you can do is scratch the itchy are. It may feel good, but it will make the bite worse. 

Did you know Emu Oil can help to relieve symptoms of the bite? Emu Oil takes the sting out of insect bites. Mosquito bites cause damage to the skin and inflame the tissue. Since Emu Oil is an all-natural anti-inflammatory, it begins to soothe the skin the minute it is applies.

This summer before you get your camping gear packed up make sure to pack a bottle of  LongviewFarms Emu Oil.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Why is the Emu Oil Refining Method Important?

     Animal fats, fish fats and vegetable-derived oils are very common sources of nutrition and tissue inflammation relief for people and their pets.  Emu oil is created by rendering and refining the fat of Emus.
    Due to constant bombardment of acid rain, herbicides and pesticides, coupled with genetic altering of food sources, animals, fish and plants are retaining ever-increasing levels of heavy metals, carcinogens and many other undesirable contaminants, all of which present consumer safety issues and add no value to the finished products.  Although the benefits of using Emu oil are great, failure to remove undesirable contaminants during the refining method can create serious issues.  Issues such as these are referred to as “negative side effects”.
    The FDA, USDA and US Health and Human Services are charged with ensuring consumer safety.  Because some contaminants have been linked to cancers, starting in the 1970’s, special refining methods of animal, fish and plant oils have been mandated by these agencies. Traditional methods of refining, developed in the 1920’s, involve using bentonite (powdered clay) or charcoal and vacuum to remove moisture and, adding caustic chemicals such as sodium hydroxide (lye and caustic soda), followed by high-pressure and high-heat steam bleaching. These ineffective traditional methods of refining cannot, and will not, remove many of the contaminants found in Emu oil.  Further, there is substantial evidence that the bleaching process actually diminishes the values of Essential Fatty Acids. Although prohibited, beginning in the early 1970’s, due to financial constraints, many processors of Emu oil still limit their abilities to these ineffective and potentially dangerous traditional refining methods.  In an effort to deflect criticism (away from themselves) by continuing to ignore consumer safety concerns, these processors have launched a campaign against modern refining methods, such as molecular distillation.  Their campaign involves printing unsubstantiated claims and stating outright lies.  To further understand everyday consumer products that are refined with molecular distillation, please click on: http://www.myers-vacuum.com/stillaps.shtml     Sadly, at this time, for the sake of consumer safety, the Emu oil industry is not large enough to attract Federal prosecution by the under-funded and under-staffed above-listed agencies.
    As a result of Federal and State agency regulations in the late 1970’s, large scale producers of animal fats, fish fats and vegetable oils, who desired to be in compliance with regulations, added one final phase to their refining processes:  this final stage involves heating the oils into a vapor, thereby sterilizing the oil, separating out all possible contaminants and then reconstituting the vapor to a liquid finished product.  This process is commonly called Molecular Distillation Refining (MDR).  This MDR process absolutely removes all possible contaminants from Emu oil and maintains all beneficial factors within the Essential Fatty Acids, thereby creating the purest and most effective Emu oil possible.
    All Longview Farms Emu oil is fully refined and molecular distilled with the MDR process.  All Longview Farms Emu oil carries the MDR logo that designates it as the purest and most effective Emu oil available on the market (please see the MDR logo below).
While some Emu oil processors make claims of “Pharmaceutical Grade” Emu oil, no such classification exists.  While some processors claim to produce a “special” or “ultra” grade Emu oil, it amounts to nothing more than having been run through a centrifuge to take out heavier fatty acids. The removal of these heavier fatty acids actually diminishes the effectiveness of the Emu oil when used both topically and/or internally.  While some claim “FDA Approved Emu oil”, no such agency approval of their Emu oil exists.  While some processors claim that molecular distillation cannot remove contaminants and does not sterilize Emu oil, nothing could be further from the truth. While some claim a great value for “Certified” Emu oil, their limited analysis criteria offers no consumer safety assurances and may expose uneducated consumers to “negative side effects”.
    Please visit: http://www.emu-oil.com/EmuOilTesting.pdf to view impurities found in “AEA Certified” Emu oils and an Australian import.  Further, please click on Recent Analysis Comparison of MDR and AEA Certified Oils.   Additionally, for a factual history of the American Emu Association (AEA), some of its members, programs and standards, please click on: The AEA behind the facade
   The importance of consumer safety and MDR creation of Emu oil:                                                      
     No hype, no marketing gimmicks or certification schemes are needed. The MDR Emu oil used in all Longview Farms products provide the purest and most effective Emu oil available. Unlike others, our products provide enhanced health and continued wellness through “positive side benefits”, through transparency, truthfulness and consumer education.   



 Actual Molecular Distillation equipment at one of Longview Farms “state of the art” refineries Also as depicted on http://www.myers-vacuum.com/pilot15.shtml 


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Fun Facts About Easter

       Did you know that purple is the traditional color of Easter? It symbolizes the union of love, as well as repentance with pain. Purple is also the royal color of kings and nobility because in ancient times, purple dyes were very expensive. White & Yellow are also Easter colors. White represents purity and yellow stands for sunlight and radiance.


                Easter is the second most popular holiday to eat candy. According to the National Confectioner’s Association, in 2001 Americans consumed 7 billion pounds of candy; seventy percent being chocolate. WOW, that’s crazy to think about!



The egg has always been part of Easter because it symbolized fertility, creation and rebirth. Eggs were dyed with natural dyes such as plants & herbs. Red onion skins yield a soft violet color, carrots produce yellow hues and cherry juice gives us reddish tones. The art of egg-coloring in the Ukraine is referred to as Pysanka.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Emu Oil For Hair Loss.

     Hair loss is not something we like to see when we look in the mirror. Many of us wonder, “why is this happening to me?”  According to experts, hair loss can be caused by many things such as aging, hormones changes and family history of baldness.

       “In men, testosterone is converted to DHT (dihydratestosterone) within the hair follicle. Testosterone is converted to DHT by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which is produced in the prostate, the scalp and various adrenal glands. Over time, DHT causes hair follicles to degrade and shortens their anagen, or active phase. Technically, the follicle is still alive and connected to a good blood supply. Some follicles will die, but most will simply shrink in size and produce weaker hairs. The shorter anagen growing cycle means more hairs are shed and remaining hairs become so thin that they cannot survive daily wear and tear, according to experts. Hairs in balding areas gradually change from long, thick, colored hairs into fine, unpigmented, fuzzy hairs.”  ~http://www.emu-oil.com/HairLoss.html

Many people wonder what can be done about hair loss. One thing that may work is Emu Oil.  If the hair follicles are dead there is nothing that can be done. If they are asleep, or in a dormant state, you can try Longview Farms Emu Oil to wake them up.

       We recommend massaging a small amount of emu oil into the hairless or thinning area of the scalp three times per day, if possible. In the evening or on weekends, apply a greater amount of emu oil to the scalp and leave on for 20-30 minutes, then wash hair with a mild shampoo or Longview Farms Emu Oil Shampoo. (Our Sponsor)  If your hair follicles are in a sleep state, you should notice signs of re-growth in 30-90 days. 

 Here is what some of our customers had to say:
So far this has worked really great. The shampoo and condition are one of the best I've used...leaving my hair full and scalp feeling good. The oil is a little greasy on the scalp...but I've started growing back small hairs and peachfuzz on the top & front of my scalp. It helped re-activate my hair follicles. again.” ~ Ken from Romeoville, IL
“I must let you know, I have only been using the hair loss treatment a month and already I can see hair growing in a severely thin area...I am sooo happy...” ~ Paulette from CA